Abaeté, Lela Rose, and Alice+Olivia Design for Payless

Alice+Olivia (top), Lela Rose (left), Abaeté (right) Chalk up another low-cost fashion source deciding to bless the masses with high end style. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out Payless Shoe Source’s designer collections which feature the likes of high-end designers Abaeté, Lela Rose, and Alice+Olivia. Even cooler is that these shoes will beContinue reading “Abaeté, Lela Rose, and Alice+Olivia Design for Payless”

HCS Review: Masculin féminin

Nothing says hurricane like champagne, carrots, and French New Wave cinema. I need to admit something. I’m not one for movies you have to think about—I like the kind that let you escape into something much more fantastic that your current reality. The kind that end happily with the characters and plot all tied upContinue reading “HCS Review: Masculin féminin”

What to Wear for Fall

Charleston isn’t exactly known for it’s crisp fall weather…but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with the trends anyway. The Palette: Think warm tones. Mix burnt oranges, emerald greens, deep inky purples, golden yellows, and luxurious chocolates in with your wardrobe staples. The Prints: Plaid is in this season, but not in the “grungeContinue reading “What to Wear for Fall”

Nifty Things

Note: Nifty Things is a periodical collection for items of interest. Add yours and see what happens! Walking in the Rain by *clarity* A few things to amuse you and photos in honor of Ms. Hanna-Banana College of Charleston Student Media’s coverage of Hurricane Watch ’08. Gala Darling’s Five Fabulous Secret Beauty Weapons. David Heiser‘sContinue reading “Nifty Things”

Notes: 09.01.08

I spent my Sunday evening tucked smackdab (don’t you love that word?) between my two favorite Charleston bloggers, Brian of DubiousOne and David Heiser of DH is Good, reveling in the Richard Blaise tasting dinner at McCrady’s. The entire experience can be summed up in two very elloquent, very ladylike words: effing brilliant. Eleven coursesContinue reading “Notes: 09.01.08”